Professional Development
NSU Child and Family Network strives to meet all your training needs in a variety of ways for your convenience. In addition to the scheduled classes, we are available to conduct trainings conveniently at your site on a topic you select.
Child Development Associate (CDA) classes leading to an Ancillary Certificate
Approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), these courses are a combination of a face-to-face and online. The course includes all content for the CDA as well as portfolio completion assistance.
Coaching and Technical Assistance
Onsite support helps teachers and directors improve their skills. Learn how to increase your CLASS scores by working with a trained coach. Clock hour training credit is provided for some sessions meeting certain qualifications.
Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI)
An intensive, in-depth training series, MMCI helps participants improve CLASS scores exploring the various domains CLASS. MMCI training improves classroom interaction on which scores are based.
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid training meet the requirements for licensing. American Heart Association Heart Saver Infant, Child, and Adult CPR and First Aid is a 3-hour course offered several times a month for licensed Family Home Care Providers and Type I, II, & III Childcare Centers. Sessions can also be scheduled at your site for a maximum of 10 people. There is a $60 fee per person.
Workshops for Licensing and Health Department Credit
Numerous workshops are offered regularly at the Child and Family Network office in Shreveport, the Teacher Education Center in Natchitoches and now in NSU Cenla Campus, England Airpark, Alexandria. Currently, all sessions including CPR are in person. Sessions can be scheduled specifically for center sites. Topics are scheduled in all areas of child development, curricula, health and safety, and administration. These sessions are posted in our website calendar. Additionally, email notices, flyers and Facebook postings are often provided.
Continuing Education Units (CEU)
CEU sessions are required on some level by Louisiana Pathways. Sessions must meet specific requirements to be counted as CEUs and are credited differently from clock-hour training. CEU sessions are usually 6 hours, and some are available online as on-demand workshops for $25 each.
On Demand Workshops
On demand sessions may be taken at any time and completed at your own pace. Choose from eighty-five topics for 3 clock-hour credits and three topics for 6-hour CEU credit(temporarily not available CEU’s). Online workshops may be considered on-demand training and have a cost of $18 each, CEU’s are $25 each.
Webinars (No longer available)
These online webinar sessions are not offered at this moment. Notices are emailed when webinars are scheduled.
How Can We Help?
For more information concerning our program, please see the About Us section of our website. Or, reach out to us by submitting a message through our contact form on the right.
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