Professional Development

NSU Child and Family Network strives to meet all your training needs in a variety of ways for your convenience. In addition to the scheduled classes, we are available to conduct trainings conveniently at your site on a topic you select.

Child Development Associate (CDA) classes leading to an Ancillary Certificate

Approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), these courses are a combination of a face-to-face and online. The course includes all content for the CDA as well as portfolio completion assistance.

Onsite support helps teachers and directors improve their skills. Learn how to increase your CLASS scores by working with a trained coach. Clock hour training credit is provided for some sessions meeting certain qualifications.

An intensive, in-depth training series, MMCI helps participants improve CLASS scores exploring the various domains CLASS. MMCI training improves classroom interaction on which scores are based.

CPR and First Aid

CPR and First Aid training meet the requirements for licensing. American Heart Association Heart Saver Infant, Child, and Adult CPR and First Aid is a 3-hour course offered several times a month for licensed Family Home Care Providers and Type I, II, & III Childcare Centers. Sessions can also be scheduled at your site for a maximum of 10 people. There is a $60 fee per person.

 Workshops for Licensing and Health Department Credit

Numerous workshops are offered regularly at the Child and Family Network office in Shreveport, the Teacher Education Center in Natchitoches and now in NSU Cenla Campus, England Airpark, Alexandria. Currently, all sessions including CPR are in person. Sessions can be scheduled specifically for center sites. Topics are scheduled in all areas of child development, curricula, health and safety, and administration. These sessions are posted in our website calendar. Additionally, email notices, flyers and Facebook postings are often provided.

Continuing Education Units (CEU)

CEU sessions are required on some level by Louisiana Pathways. Sessions must meet specific requirements to be counted as CEUs and are credited differently from clock-hour training. CEU sessions are usually 6 hours, and some are available online as on-demand workshops for $25 each.

On Demand Workshops

On demand sessions may be taken at any time and completed at your own pace. Choose from eighty-five topics for 3 clock-hour credits and three topics for 6-hour CEU credit(temporarily not available CEU’s). Online workshops may be considered on-demand training and have a cost of $18 each, CEU’s are $25 each.

Webinars  (No longer available)

These online webinar sessions are not offered at this moment.  Notices are emailed when webinars are scheduled.

Are you ready for an on demand workshop?

Looking for clock hour training to meet licensing requirements? Need more information about a specific topic or help with a problem? Lack a few hours to apply for your CDA or Administrator’s Certificate? Online workshops may be the answer for you!

These workshops are designed for those whose job responsibilities or location make it difficult to attend regular workshops or who can’t wait for a scheduled session. Each workshop includes reading material, questions for reflection, and activities to apply the information at your worksite. Once the required assignments and an online test are submitted, a certificate will be mailed to you.

Before you register, answer these questions:

Do I have adequate computer skills?

You need access to a computer with Windows and an Internet connection, basic word processing, email, and Internet search skills — or someone to help you with them.

Am I self-motivated?

Because you will work individually at your own pace, be sure you can discipline yourself to complete the tasks. If you need the structure of a class, then a regular workshop may suit you better.

Am I an independent learner?

If you work well by yourself (or if several of you take a workshop together) then this option may be ideal for you.

Webinars: How Do They Work?

Most webinars are conducted in two parts: 1 ½ hours the first day and 1 hour the second day with a reading assignment. Webinars are free for Type III programs, $10 for others.

  • Notices are sent by email of a scheduled Webinar with registration information.
  • Register and you will receive an email invitation with a log-in link. You may receive articles to read by email
  • Log on to the website up to 15 minutes before the scheduled time on your computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Participate in the training, ask questions, view PowerPoint and videos, take a short test.
  • Receive your certificate in the mail for 3 clock hours credit for licensing, CDA, and Pathways.

A webinar is a training session conducted over the Internet using computers, tablets, or phones.

Webinar Topics
W-2w Marvelous Manipulatives: Tools for Learning (CDA 2)
Learn how to get the most from the many table toys you have. Find out how and what children learn and how to interact and document what they learn with CLASS and Gold
W-3e Challenging Behavior: Understanding and Responding (CDA 3)
What causes children to misbehave and what can we do about it? Find out strategies you can use to reduce challenging behavior.
W-4d The Many Forms of Parent Involvement (CDA 4) (ADM 5)
New licensing regulations call for a parent involvement policy and provision of at least two ways for parents to be involved. Learn easy ways to meet the requirement.
W-5d Create a Newsletter that Parents Will Read (CDA 5) (ADM 5)
Licensing requires ways for  parents to be involved. Learn features of Microsoft Word and how to produce a newsletter to communicate, educate, and provide recognition.
W-5e Customer Service: Key to Maintaining Enrollment (CDA 5) (ADM 5)
Excellent customer service is the secret to success in any business or organization. Learn what the largest corporations know about successful service relationships.
W-5u Finding a Curriculum that Works for You (CDA 5) (ADM 6)
Wondering what to do about upcoming curriculum requirements in early care and education programs? Find out what to consider in making this important decision. 
W-5v Staff Orientation: Getting Off to the Right Start (CDA 5) (ADM 3)
This webinar covers the following topics required  to be addressed with employees within 7 employment days and 30 employment days—and provides 3 clock hours of training.:

  • child abuse identification and reporting
  • safe sleep practices
  • emergency preparation
  • licensing regulations
  • health and safety
  • shaken baby prevention
  • child development
  • child guidance
  • learning activities
W-5w Federal Taxes 101: Staying out of trouble with the IRS (CDA 5) (ADM 2)
The IRS has the power to seize your assets and impose hefty fines if you do not make timely deposits and payments. This session helps you avoid risk by ensuring you follow the laws.
W-5x Stop, Look, and Listen: Are Your Transportation Practices Safe? (CDA 5) (ADM 1)
Licensing Regulations State: “All staff members responsible for transporting children shall receive additional orientation training in the following areas prior to assuming their transportation duties:

  • transportation regulations, including modeling of how to properly conduct a vehicle passenger check and demonstration by staff to director on how to conduct a vehicle passenger check;
  • proper use of child safety restraints required by state law;
  • proper loading, unloading, and tracking of children as required by state law;
  • location of first aid supplies; and
  • emergency procedures for the vehicle, including actions to be taken in the event of accidents or breakdowns.
W-5y Transitions: Time for Guidance and Learning (CDA 2)
Transitions can be opportunities for learning when planned and handled well. Learn how to provide smooth transitions and avoid discipline issues during these important times.
W-8l Positive Body Image in Infants and Toddlers (CDA 8)
Infants and toddlers deserve the best we can give them. Learn how you can follow the Birth to Five Early Learning and Development Standards with our infants and toddlers?

How Workshops Work

To register for a workshop, fill in the form below, print and send to NSU Child and Family Network with your payment. If you are a Type III center or registered family child care provider, you may fax your registration.

Shreveport sessions are held at NSU Child and Family Network, 1800 Warrington Place, unless otherwise noted.

Pre-registration is required for all sessions. Workshops are $10 for Type I or II centers unless otherwise noted. Training for Type III centers is free. Payments cannot be accepted at the door.

Workshop Calendar

Clicking on an event will bring up the event in a lightbox. To exit the event and get back to the calendar, simply click outside of the event lightbox and it will remove the event.

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What is CDA?

The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in early childhood.
Find more information here:

Why do I need a CDA?

Lead teachers working in Type III licensed early learning centers in Louisiana will be required to have the Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate as a minimum credential beginning July 2019.

Beginning in July 2018, child care teachers who are earning their Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate through a CDA or technical diploma should attend an approved child care teacher preparation program. These approved programs are called Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Programs and are approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).

Find more information here:

Where can I take CDA classes?

NSU Child and Family Network BESE-Approved Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program

The mission of the program is to expand the knowledge, skills, and credentials of teachers working with young children. To meet the workforce needs of early learning centers, this program offers a path to completion of the training components of the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. The program consists of three 45-clock hour courses that are aligned with new statewide curriculum recommendations and standards. Participants will have access to an experienced instructor and one on one coaching.

How much does this CDA Ancillary Certificate Program cost?

This program is free to teachers working in Type III early learning programs who are eligible for a Louisiana Pathways CDA BESE-Approved Early Childhood Ancillary Certificate Program scholarship.
Find more information about the Pathways Ancillary Certificate Program scholarship here:

Type I and Type II centers should call for information about costs.

How Can We Help?

For more information concerning our program, please see the About Us section of our website. Or, reach out to us by submitting a message through our contact form on the right.

Contact Form

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